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With prices soaring at both the drive-thru and the grocery store, we’re spending more than ever on food. Which especially sucks because we all need to eat. At the end of a long workday, it can feel easier to swing by a fast food restaurant than to go home and cook a meal. And in some cases, it might be cheaper, too.
Conventional wisdom says that making food at home is cheaper than eating out. But conventional wisdom hasn’t lived with the grocery prices we’re currently seeing. While, yes, it’s often cheaper to cook food at home, it’s not cheaper to buy groceries, intending to cook at home, and then let them go bad because you’re too tired to cook.
The bottom line: you know yourself better than anyone. By all means, make that resolution to try and cook more. But if you end up purchasing a week’s worth of groceries, only using half of them, and spending more money on takeout, then you waste more money than if you’d just chosen takeout in the first place. Be realistic about your goals and start small. If you’re used to getting takeout every day of the week, start with just one day a week to cook and eat at home. Alternatively, choose one meal of the day to eat at home. Breakfast is a great place to start.
For example, if you made avocado toast or scrambled eggs and coffee at home every day for a year, rather than swinging by a drive-thru, you’d save approximately $1,600. And that’s a low estimate! That could be an extra $1,600 toward your Andi app Wish List goals!
To find out how much you’re spending on dining out—and decide if you want to change that number—use Andi’s Monthly Spending Summary. You can categorize your out-to-eat purchases to get a real-time look at how much you’re spending on takeout.
Here are some other ways that we at Andi have been saving money on food:
We all need to eat. You shouldn’t feel guilty for spending money on food. But if you spend it well, you’ll have more left over for other things.